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London Times reports Sarco investigation

The Times in London and De Volkskrant in Holland are both reporting that the Swiss prosecutor has extended the scope of his enquiry to include the possibility of murder.   This report is unconfirmed.   The Last Resort and Exit International have both described claims that the first real-life use of the Sarco faced operational problems as “absurd”.

Nonetheless, the publication of these reports in two such widely-respected newspapers must represent an irrecoverable reputational problem for both organisations and for the Sarco project itself.   Florian Willet, the president of The Last Resort, remains in jail and prosecutors are said to be investigating whether “he and other people” involved had “selfish” motives.   It is legal to assist a suicide in Switzerland but “selfish reasons” such as financial gain or revenge can quickly make it a crime.   The Last Resort handled the assisted suicide of the 64-year-old woman last month.   The Sarco was developed over several years by Philip Nitschke, the founder of Exit International.

Even if these reports prove to be false, it will be a serious blow to the credibility and campaigning activities of Dr Nitschke and Florian Willet.   People who are serious about seeking a voluntary assisted suicide and are forced by their local laws to look for a solution in Switzerland, will now take a great deal of persuading to put their trust in the Sarco and its operators.