Planning your visit
Which hotel?

“Dignitas and Lifecircle will suggest several hotels but you can stay wherever you choose.”
When you are planning your visit, Dignitas will send you a list of about eight recommended hotels. Lifecircle will do the same, but it is a shorter list. Pegasos recommend just one, the Hotel Engel in Liestal. You do not need to choose one of their recommendations. Anecdotally, Zurich is supposed to be a more expensive place generally than Basel or Liestal.
I had a look at the Hotel Engel in Liestal and thought it a bit grim, actually. Prices range from £115 to £140 per room. A major refurbishment is planned for 2023.

It is quite understandable that Dignitas and Lifecircle do not like to limit their recommendations to just one or two hotels. Members making the journey to their centres will have different budgets and different personal requirements – many will need disabled access, for example. Also, the hotels themselves, whilst obviously grateful for the business, will not want to gain a reputation as the ”death” hotel of the town. It should be mentioned, though, that when staff are being interviewed at the Hotel Engel in Liestal they are specifically asked whether they would have any problems with people being recommended to them by Pegasos.
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